Private Events

I offer transformative private services, where the art of yoga, the enchantment of ceremonial cacao, and the beauty of poetic expression come together to create unforgettable experiences. I have had the privilege of infusing my magic at private events, festivals, retreats, and conferences across the world.

Let’s make your next event extra magical!


As a yoga instructor, I bring the wisdom and benefits of yoga movement and philosophy to a diverse range of settings. Whether it's an intimate private gathering, a vibrant festival, a serene retreat, or a dynamic corporate conference, I deliver yoga sessions that cater to the unique needs and preferences of each audience. From invigorating flows that awaken the body and mind, to restorative practices that cultivate deep relaxation and inner harmony, my sessions are thoughtfully tailored to nurture and uplift every event.


As an experienced cacao facilitator, I infuse the magic of ceremonial cacao into memorable experiences. Guided by this sacred plant medicine, we embark on a journey of mindfulness, movement, and interpersonal connection. The ceremonial cacao acts as a catalyst for heart-opening experiences, allowing participants to deepen their presence, unlock their authentic selves, and forge meaningful connections with others. Through carefully curated exercises, we create a safe and supportive space for transformation, self-discovery, and profound healing.


I offer two separate poetry services for private events

1) Inspiring poetry workshops that provide a nurturing environment where participants can explore their creativity, dive into the depths of their emotions, and channel their thoughts and feelings into evocative poetry.

2) For a truly unique and personal touch, I offer intuitive customized poems at events using a 1950's Underwood typewriter. As guests share their thoughts, intentions, or stories, I tap into the energy of the moment and create heartfelt and bespoke poems on the spot.