Elevate, Liberate & Create

A 7-week transformational journey to live more creatively and authentically

Are you ready to embark on a soul-stirring journey that will awaken the Creator within? Join me for a transformative 7-week experience where we delve deep into the patterns that have been stifling your authentic and creative self. Together, we'll transcend limitations and step into a world where magic and intuition guide our every move.

Picture this: cozy sessions filled with spicy cups of cacao, soulful conversations, and laughter that echoes through the space (whether IRL or virtually.) I am here to hold your hand and walk alongside you as we navigate the twists and turns of your personal growth. Together, we'll uncover the hidden treasures buried beneath the surface and unleash the radiant muse within.

In our sanctuary of self-discovery, mindfulness practices take center stage. Embrace the gentle art of slowing down, finding stillness, and connecting with the wisdom that flows through your essence. Through visualization, and intuitive exercises, you'll learn to dance with the rhythms of your soul and nurture a profound awareness of your inner world.

Elevate, Liberate & Create extends into the realm of embodiment, where we honor the sacred vessel that carries your spirit. Through guided movement, dance, and creative expression, we'll tap into the power of your body as a wellspring of inspiration. You'll learn to trust your instincts, allowing your body to become a living canvas for your unique story.

Writing exercises will be our soulful companions on this path of self-discovery. With pen in hand, we'll embark on a journey of self-reflection and expression. Through journaling, poetry, and storytelling, you'll give voice to your dreams, fears, and desires. Watch as your words become a tapestry of authenticity, woven with the threads of your soul.

And remember, you are not alone on this transformational pilgrimage. I am here to provide unwavering support, nurturing your growth and holding space for your blossoming inner-artist. Our one-on-one sessions will be a sanctuary where you can freely express yourself, be heard, and be seen in all your magnificent glory. Together, we'll cultivate a sense of confidence that radiates from deep within.

Are you ready to step into your power, honor your divine Creator essence, and create a life that is a true reflection of your authentic self? Let Elevate, Liberate & Create be your guiding light on this journey of self-discovery and creative liberation.

The time has come to unleash the muse within and fully embody your creativity. Let your spirit soar and join me on this sacred path of self-expression. Together, we'll ignite the fire that resides in your heart and create a symphony of vibrant, feminine energy that will leave an indelible mark on your life.

Your inner-artist awaits, ready to embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. Elevate, Liberate & Create is your invitation to step into your authentic power and create a life that is as magical and radiant as you are. Let the journey begin!

what’s included?

  • Seven 90 minute one-on-one sessions

  • Weekly introspection assignments

  • One ceremony of choice

  • Personalized movement and breath-work practices

  • Support by call/text throughout the 7 week process

  • Reading list

  • Journal prompts